Your siding makes up a significant part of both the interior and exterior of your house, and its purpose goes beyond improving your home’s curb appeal. Siding also protects your house from wind and rain. If properly functioning, it can even reduce your heating and cooling costs, allowing you to save energy and money.

Water Damage Protection
Siding stops rain and moisture from entering your home’s interior. Without this component, your house would suffer from water damage. Excessive moisture can result in mold growth and rotting of frames and studs that support your home.
To avoid these kinds of issues as well as costly repairs in the future, it’s important to keep your siding well-maintained and leak-free. Your siding should also be regularly checked for signs of failure, like cracked vinyl, warped cladding and loose siding. From the interior, you’ll know it’s time to replace your siding once you notice peeling paint, sagging wallpaper, or mysterious stains on the wall.
Energy Efficiency
Your home’s siding not only keeps your interiors dry and intact, but it also insulates your home from the outside elements. The siding material you choose also has an impact on your home’s overall energy efficiency.
However, if your siding is not in a good working condition, it can allow drafts to enter your home. This means you’ll have to use more energy and eventually pay more in order to maintain a comfortable temperature indoors. So, it’s a smart investment to spend for your siding’s regular maintenance to prevent energy loss.
Turn to Bradford Xteriors for outstanding siding services. To set an appointment or get a free quote, call our team at (614) 483-6215, or fill out our contact form. We work with clients in Columbus, OH, and the nearby towns in the state.